Heritage Habitat & Forestry

Sustainable & Comprehensive Forest Management

Serving Landowners Throughout Appalachia & the Midwest



Forest Carbon Consulting

We are the region's leading forest carbon consultants, with over 100 projects completed!

Forest Improvement Practices

These practices involve non-timber harvesting to enhance wood quality.

Timber Inventory & Valuation

Our valuations will be statistically significant to ensure accurate assessments and current data for your timber tax basis.

Geospatial & Mapping Solutions

Using advanced mapping programs like GIS, we can create comprehensive maps to meet your goals.

Forest Management Plans

Many states provide landowners significant tax benefits for having an approved forest management plan.

Project Planning & Oversight

We can prepare, bid, and monitor forestry and natural resource contracts conducted on your land. 

Property Evalutions

Interested in a 3rd-party opinion on a property you may be interested in purchasing?

Timber Sale Administration

Want to sell timber? We handle your sale from start to finish.

Why Hire a Consulting Forester?

A consulting forester (consultant) is a professional forester with a forestry degree from an accredited university program. A consultant’s principal business activity is providing forestry advice to the public on a fee or contractual basis. Consultants do not have financial interests in a timber purchasing or procurement entity. They are usually self-employed or work for another consultancy with a handful of other employees. Their main focus is on the private forest owner who hires them.

A consultant will work with you to understand and articulate your ownership goals and reasons for owning forest property. A consultant will collect information about you and your forest, and then offer options based on that knowledge. Most consultants will begin with a written management plan to help chart the directions the owner wishes to follow.

This article has been adapted from a publication by College of Natural Resources at Michigan State University (publication # E3188).




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